Category: Anxiety triggers

Breaking the Phobia Chain through Hypnotherapy and NLP

Does a spider, heights, flying or other phobia send shivers down your spine, make you feel sick or full of crippling anxiety? Imagine conquering your phobia! Imagine stepping into a happier, more comfortable life! Hypnotherapy and NLP for phobias reshapes your subconscious and thought patterns, guiding you towards a positive and helpful mindset. And it […]

Fed up being fed up with chronic pain?

Anyone who has suffered from persistent chronic pain certainly does not need me to explain how draining and debilitating it can be. Pain acts as a warning signal that something dangerous is putting us at risk. That’s very useful when for example, you stub your toe. The nervous system sends signals to your brain. Your […]

Helping with

top Excessive worry I will guide you to move from an internal state of excessive worry towards one of more comfort and balance.  We learn to behave unconsciously in a certain way to some anxiety triggers. Hence we can worry excessively about the ‘what if’ scenarios in life. This often results in the worry being […]


Pleased to meet you! Are you Feeling ‘stuck’ – lost your direction and need a reset? Or just want to pause for a bit, relax and recharge? or Maybe suffering from physical conditions triggered by stress, such as insomnia or IBS? Want to rid yourself of crippling effects of phobias such as spiders, heights, flying. […]