Beverly Chappell, Thoughts Matter, NLP and Hypnotherapist, Reiki, TFT. Lincolnshire

Beverly Chappell

I have over 20 years experience within the complementary therapy world. Am an NLP Master Practitioner trained by Paul McKenna and Richard Bandler (one of the founders) and a certified Hypnotherapist. I picked the name Thoughts Matter – as for me they are key, affecting how we feel and operate in our individual map of the world. I am also a Thought Field Therapist, Aromatherapist and Reiki Master. Although my core therapies are Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Therapy), my other complementary therapies provide my clients with a truly holistic and flexible experience.

My relationship with NLP and Hypnotherapy started in the business world all those years ago. In my role then as a company trainer and counsellor, employees were sent to me who had lost their way. Although symptomatically within their job role, it was nearly always their relationship with themselves that had become lost, or stuck, or problematic in some way. My passion has since grown for helping people who feel ‘stuck’. To help them find a way to become unstuck and move forward in a more productive, happier manner. I find the addition of various complementary therapy disciplines, such as Reiki and TFT, alongside NLP and Hypnotherapy, works holistically with my clients. Helping them to bed in positive beliefs and internal strategies, to manage all sorts of ‘problems’. I have thus continued to develop my skills accordingly over the years to support my ‘thoughts matter’ approach to wellbeing.

I live with my husband in Lincolnshire, UK, enjoy yoga, walking the dogs, crafting stained glass, and watching rugby!

One of the benchmark NLP sayings forms the bedrock to my therapy approach. ‘The meaning of communication is the response you get’. When you apply that to yourself, you realise that re-framing how you communicate with yourself and think, can give you a much better internal response then before. Leading you to a more comfortable place to be! And it does not have to be that hard to do!

This is what I can help you with. So …..