hands breaking a cigarette for stop smoking and becoming a non-smoker

If you are reading this now, I believe you are seriously thinking about ways to stop smoking, and are ready to reclaim control and reap the benefits of becoming a non-smoker. With our hypnotherapy and NLP based stop smoking programme, you can make that transition smoother and more effective than ever before.

Did you know that nicotine leaves your body within just two to four days? That’s right – the physical grip of the habit is quick to release.

In just 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your body starts to feel the positive effects of quitting.

Speaking from my own experience, I of course understand that the habit itself runs much deeper.  

However, just as you learned to smoke, you can unlearn it too.

Hypnotherapy and NLP empowers you to rewire your habits and replace smoking with healthier behaviours. Making being a non-smoker your new norm.

Remember, we all have existing non-smoker pathways inside of us.  And just like an old footpath through the trees that becomes inaccessible through lack of use, NLP and hypnotherapy cuts back the bramble, mows the grass, opens the gate and puts a nice big sign on it saying ‘this way’. So that this path becomes the easier and more comfortable one to take.

  1. It’s More Effective Than Other Methods: A large study found that hypnosis was 3 times more effective than nicotine replacement therapy, which includes things like patches and gum.  It was also found that it was 5 times more effective then willpower alone.
  2. Long-Term Success: Another study found that people who tried hypnotherapy were more likely to stay smoke-free 6 months later compared to those who used other methods.
  3. Positive Reviews: Experts who reviewed many studies found that hypnosis helps between 50% to 80% of people quit smoking for good.
  4. Scientific Trial Success: In a scientific test, those who got hypnosis were more likely to stop smoking after 6 months compared to those who didn’t.

You will receive, 1-on-1 support tailored to your unique triggers, patterns, and goals. Whether in-person at my clinic in South Lincolnshire, or online via Zoom, our sessions are designed to fully engage you to achieve lasting results. I harness highly effective NLP and hypnotherapy techniques to help you achieve your goal.

The programme consists of 2 comprehensive sessions. The first 1 hour session, focuses on understanding your particular motivations, goals and aspirations. We will also reaffirm your commitment to becoming a non-smoker. The second session (lasting 90 minutes to 2 hours), we will delve deeper into the personalised change work. This includes rewiring your mindset, empower you with strategies to overcome obstacles and cravings. This will enable you to enjoy the fruits of your labour – establishing your non-smoking habit.  Plus, I will provide you with crucial tasks to undertake between sessions. This cements your progress beyond our meetings. 

I also offer a discounted post programme session (1 hour). You can use this anytime over the following 6 months, to further enhance and develop your smoke free status. Perhaps then looking at new goals in life, celebrating your achievements or reinforcing new healthier habits.  This supplementary session is offered at 50% discount off my normal single session rate.  (Please note this post programme session cannot be transferred to another person)

While I can’t guarantee specific outcomes, the hypnotherapy and NLP programme has proven to be highly effective for countless individuals. I personally experienced the transformation – now a non-smoker for over 25 years – I can attest to the power of these methods. Combined with your readiness and commitment to embrace a smoke-free lifestyle you have a winning formula.

Compared to the cost of buying cigarettes, the monetary cost of the Non-Smoker Programme is relatively small. (Investment of £195.00).  If you are ready to take control and take that first step towards a healthier, wealthier, smoke-free future – contact me to arrange a free, no-obligation video consultation.

Let’s explore your reasons for becoming a non-smoker, discuss how the programme works, and chart your path towards your smoke-free success. Your journey can start here

*research references available on request