Category: About Beverly

Breaking the Phobia Chain through Hypnotherapy and NLP

Does a spider, heights, flying or other phobia send shivers down your spine, make you feel sick or full of crippling anxiety? Imagine conquering your phobia! Imagine stepping into a happier, more comfortable life! Hypnotherapy and NLP for phobias reshapes your subconscious and thought patterns, guiding you towards a positive and helpful mindset. And it […]


If you have any questions arising from reading these NLP and Hypnotherapy testimonials, do get in touch. If you prefer to keep informed through social media check out my Facebook page. Thanks for reading …. Beverly Chappell Thoughts Matter top top of page

NLP & Hypnotherapy

NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Coaching and Hypnotherapy . Two methodologies that work so well hand in hand to enable positive change. NLP harnesses techniques which can be used by you to improve personal outcomes, support well-being and create positive change. NLP enables us to communicate effectively with our internal selves in a way that reprogrammes […]

About Beverly

Beverly Chappell I have over 20 years experience within the complementary therapy world. Am an NLP Master Practitioner trained by Paul McKenna and Richard Bandler (one of the founders) and a certified Hypnotherapist. I picked the name Thoughts Matter – as for me they are key, affecting how we feel and operate in our individual […]

Contact us

Please complete the email form below, or if you prefer, you can also contact us through WhatsApp or call/text on 01778 428985. If you would like to schedule a no fee, no obligation video chat click here My clinic is based in the village of Langtoft, just outside Market Deeping, which for face to face […]


Pleased to meet you! Are you Feeling ‘stuck’ – lost your direction and need a reset? Or just want to pause for a bit, relax and recharge? or Maybe suffering from physical conditions triggered by stress, such as insomnia or IBS? Want to rid yourself of crippling effects of phobias such as spiders, heights, flying. […]